Now, more than ever before, we need your support

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Ventura County. As HFHVC begins a phased reactivation of our on-site operations, we remain determined to place the safety of our stakeholders—from homeowner families and staff to volunteers, ReStore shoppers and supporters—as our highest priority. For now, we will move forward without on-site volunteers. However, there are a number of ways that you can support our build operations and homebuyers remotely. View our full list of remote volunteer opportunities below.

For more information, fill out our form below or contact Crystal Star:


Give Back Through Virtual Events and Community Engagement

Become a Community Engagement Team Member: Join our Community Engagement Team if you enjoy working with community partners, spreading the word about Habitat's mission, and working with donors and volunteers to keep Habitat's mission supported and fully funded.

Join our incredible Event Team: You can help ensure any virtual/in-person events moving forward run smoothly and efficiently!

Join Our Virtual Habitat Huddles: Join our Bi-Weekly Crew Zoom Huddle to hear updates and fellowship with other leaders. With volunteer efforts suspended for many Ventura County non-profits, we know our incredible Habitat supporters are missing the build site and the tangible impact they have on their community. We created a digital space to keep our larger volunteer family connected, smiling, and continuing to share the work of our affiliate during this crisis.

New Construction, Habitat Home Repair & Special Projects

Sign up to be a Crew Lead: Leadership of volunteers on the construction sites is critical to completing our home builds on time and on budget. Crew Leader volunteers will be trained to assist Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County by leading and training construction volunteers as well as learning and passing on the mission of HFHVC. In addition, they will provide direct supervision of projects and ensure that goals established by the Habitat construction staff are achieved. 

Sign up to be a Site Host: to maintain site safety throughout the course of the upcoming build season we are looking for committed and consistent individuals willing to track volunteer’s arrival and departure time, set-up tables outside the tool trailer in order to clean and process tools throughout the day, and assist with all build day operations in close collaboration with Team Build Sponsor Liaisons, Crew Leads, and Homeowners. This position will be required for all build days moving forward and is perfect for existing Crew Leads, families, students over the age of 16, and anyone who is interested in serving in a leadership role crucial to our operations. 

Become a Habitat Young Ambassador: Our Young Ambassador Program was founded to recruit student leaders in the Ventura County communities as advocates for advancing Habitat’s mission. As a team we will coordinate publicity events, advocate for policies that create more housing for low-income families, meet with local elected officials, and learn about nonprofit management. We encourage high school students and young people of all backgrounds from Ventura County to apply for this program; including people of color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ, and people with disabilities. At Habitat, we advocate to increase affordable housing and believe that "everyone deserves a place to call home.

Sign up to be a volunteer photographer & videographer for the coming build season: If you are savvy behind the lens and interested in advancing the mission of affordable housing in Ventura County, consider donating your time and skill for a few special photography projects coming later this fall!