Habitat volunteers have the opportunity to make a difference.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Habitat Ventura. We are so excited to share with you the different ways you can give back. We have a variety of opportunities for different age groups, skill levels and abilities. Before you sign up, check out which volunteer opportunity is right for you in the descriptions below! If you're ready to volunteer with us click the button below. We appreciate all our volunteers to take the time to give back.

What to know before you go!

Have questions before you sign up? Contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.

Volunteers participating on the construction site must be 16 years or older, no exceptions. If you are interested in volunteering and are under the age of 16 email crystal@habitatventura.org


Volunteer Opportunities with Habitat Ventura

New Home Construction

Building new homes is what Habitat Ventura is all about! Construction volunteers participate in all stages of building from framing to painting. You have the opportunity to gain construction experience while giving back to your community, no experience required.  Volunteers have helped build 77 homes in Ventura County. Sign up to help build a Habitat home today.


Volunteer at one of our ReStores! You'll join others and make new friends while merchandising, stocking shelves, receiving, pricing inventory, or working at the sales counter. You can support the store that helps build homes today. With locations in Simi Valley and Oxnard, there's plenty of opportunity to give back.



Be a part of the change you want to see in Ventura County. We are looking for passionate individuals willing to advocate for our message that everyone deserves a safe, decent place to call home. We advocate for housing policies that drive Habitat Ventura's mission of building and preserving our hard-working communities. Use your voice to join in our efforts to build a better Ventura County. You can do this by joining our Habitat Young Professionals or our Habitat Youth Ambassadors. Contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.






Habitat Home Repair

Help Habitat repair existing homes in Ventura County. Habitat Home Repair offers critical health and safety repair services to low-income homeowners so they can continue to live in safe, decent homes for years to come. Work includes painting, landscaping, energy efficiency, windows, bathroom, roofing and minor repair services. Since 2011 volunteers have helped to repair more than 300 homes in the county.

Special Events & More

Want to volunteer at one of our events or help behind the scenes? We host several events throughout the year to help raise money to build and repair homes for our Habitat families. Our events range from groundbreakings to auctions and they aren't possible without our volunteers or our event team. We need people who love teamwork, organizing, event planning, decorating connecting, marketing, soliciting — you name it!
Stop by one of our event team meetings! Join us on the second Tuesday of every month at 6pm. Meetings are held in person, with an option to join via Zoom. For more information email emily@habitatventura.org.

Other volunteer opportunities include

Crew Leader

Our construction crew leaders play an integral part in building and repairing more homes leading to better neighborhoods and communities. They are essential to the Habitat construction process, and many are our beloved regulars. They make our work possible! These individuals receive special training so they can instruct volunteers on the construction site and ensure the safety of our volunteers. For more info, contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.






Site Host

Site Hosts maintain site safety throughout the course of the upcoming build season. We are looking for committed and consistent individuals willing to track volunteer’s arrival and departure time, set up tables outside the tool trailer in order to clean and process tools throughout the day, and assist with all build day operations in close collaboration with Team Build Sponsor Liaisons, Crew Leads, and Homeowners. This position will be required for all build days moving forward and is perfect for existing Crew Leads, families, students over the age of 16, and anyone who is interested in serving in a leadership role crucial to our operations. For more info, contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org..





Skilled labor volunteers

We are in need of individuals and contractors who are able to donate their time and talents to help us build more homes! A portion of every Habitat Home requires the work of skilled or licensed contractors to ensure the safety and quality of the homes we build. Donation of your time and services decreases the cost  of each habitat home significantly. For more info, contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.




Volunteer Photographer

Help us capture every moment. Photographers for Habitat Ventura document our activities through photographs both at the build site and at any special events. Habitat Volunteer photographers help ensure pictures are taken for publicity, fundraising, volunteer and donor appreciation as well as other needs as they arise. Pictures tell our stories in very powerful ways and we need your help capturing them. Must have access to their own, dependable digital camera, have some photography background and are able send photos to our Marketing Coordinator within a few days. Contact crystal@habitatventura.org for more information.






Playhouse Prep

Help us prepare playhouses for our playhouse team build days! We need your help cutting the wood, prepping, and painting the base coat of our playhouses before a build day. Habitat for Humanity Playhouse build days are a unique opportunity where corporate teams assemble and decorate children’s playhouses, which are then donated to local military and veteran families. For more info, contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.





Food Donation

Every day on our construction sites volunteers and future Habitat homeowners gather together to share a meal while building community. Meals for our volunteers and families are an important part of the building process and are greatly appreciated. We are looking for restaurants willing to donate meals to feed our hard-working team. We accept donations directly from local restaurants in the form of catered lunches or gift cards. These meals should be simple, wholesome, and convenient for the workplace. Donating lunch or snacks is a great way to get your name out to the hundreds of volunteers that work with Habitat each year. Donors will be recognized on social media. For more info, contact Crystal Star: crystal@habitatventura.org.






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