The Humanist Community of VC, together with some community volunteers & partner families, generously labored at Trinity Lane – led by crew leaders Jeri Nieberding & Dave “Buzz” Bussing. Landscaping is looking beautiful as you can see in the photos below. The sprinkler work is complete, weed cloth is placed, rock separation is done and only the finishing touches to go! Thank You Julie Martinez, Dale Larson and volunteers.
Unfortunately, on Tuesday morning, Habitat for Humanity staff and volunteers discovered their tool trailer was broken into and thousands of dollars in equipment and materials were stolen. Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County is relying on these tools and materials to build eight homes on this site, working closely with community businesses, volunteers and local families in need of safe, decent, affordable housing. If you have any information that can help solve the case, please call the Santa Paula police department.
Habitat relies on donations of materials and funding to purchase tools needed to build these homes. To donate to Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County’s Tool Fund, which will be used to replace the stolen items, contact Rachel McIver at
or 805-485-6065, x200.
Thank you, once again, for your support!