
“Our Playhouse Build Blitz is a win-win-win for everyone involved – sponsors and volunteers get to participate in a creative team-building activity, local military, and veteran families are recognized for their service, and we can serve more people through our construction, affordable homeownership, and free home repair programs,” said Darcy Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County.

Press Release: Playhouse Build ...

Last Sunday, we celebrated our regular and dedicated volunteers by throwing them a Hawaiian themed party! Several volunteers received certificates for various achievements, including 100, 200 and 500 hour awards. This year’s Habitat Hero Awards for Outstanding Service went to Karen & Mike Turek, Raini Steffen and Lynn Meredith. Congratulations […]

Congrats Volunteers!

Last month, more than 60 of our regular volunteers joined us for an afternoon of appreciation, food and great company. They represented diverse areas of Habitat: new construction, events, homeowner selection, our board, Habitat Young Professionals, and office volunteers.  In this fiscal year alone, almost 1,900 distinct volunteers supported Habitat with over 37,000 hours! This just shows […]

Appreciating Volunteers

Our Wednesday Crew is unstoppable! Despite some higher summer temperatures they are making fantastic progress on our Trinity Lane Development in Santa Paula. Homes 59 and 60 are looking great with the team scheduled to finish nailing the shear panels on the second floor this week.   Our partner families, the […]

Sizzling Summer in Santa ...